Yee Hwa Koh joined Kim & Chang in 1998 and is a senior trademark attorney in the firm's Trademark/Design Practice Group.
He received his B.Jur (1981) from Sungkyunhwan University and was admitted as a Korean patent and trademark attorney in 1996. Mr. Koh's experience includes:
KIPO, Regulations Review Committee (Oct. 30, 2008-present)
KPAA(Korean Patent Attorney Association), International Director (2006)
KIPO, Committee for Support of the Madrid Protocol (2005)
Registration Division, Korean Industrial Property Office (KIPO) (1998)
Inspection Division, KIPO (1996-1998)
Trademark Examiner, KIPO (1993-1996)
Administration Division, KIPO (1991-1993)
Ministry of Government Administration (1986-1991)
Based on his work as an Examiner, Director of the Registration Department, and Auditor at KIPO, Mr. Koh specializes in obtaining rights for trademarks and designs. Mr. Koh's current practice involve trademark and design issues. Mr. Koh is a member of the design commission of Japan Trademark Association, and has participated in the research and presentation of three-dimensional trademarks together with the other members of the design committee.
Kim & Chang (1998-Present)
Registration Division, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) (1998)
Inspection Division, KIPO (1996-1998)
Trademark Examiner, KIPO (1993-1996)
Administration Division, KIPO (1991-1993)
Ministry of Government Administration (1986-1991)
College of Law, Sungkyunkwan University (B.Jur., 1981)
Admitted to patent bar, Korea, 1996
Korean, English and Japanese