Two patent attorneys in Kim & Chang's IP Practice – Jin-Baek Kim and Yeon-Tae Jung, were invited to speak at the 2019 Patent Information Fair & Conference in Tokyo on November 6-8, 2019. During the company presentation session organized by Lexis Nexis Japan Co., Ltd., Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung co-presented under the theme of "Global IP Trends and Implications Pursuant to the Development of Next-Generation Mobility," featuring current key issues, challenges, and future outlook along with case studies. The session was well-received by approximately 100 IP delegates from government to private sectors as a great opportunity to keep up to date with the latest industry trends.
The Patent Information Fair & Conference, which Japan Patent Information Organization (Japio) has co-organized in collaboration with other organizations since 1981, has become Japan's largest patent information and IP conference. It proved once again to be a premier event bringing together IP practitioners and professionals to discuss, cooperate and network.