김·장 법률사무소 (2008-현재)
Jones Day (2002-2008)
Lyon & Lyon LLP (2000-2002)
주요 활동펼치기
- Leading Individual, Chambers Global, Intellectual Property (Chambers and Partners, 2024)
- Leading Individual, Chambers Asia-Pacific, Intellectual Property (Chambers and Partners, 2024-2025)
- Managing Intellectual Property: Named as "IP Star" (2014)
저서 및 외부활동
- Jager, Melvin F., Trade Secrets Throughout the World, Contributing Author for Ch. 24 Korea, (2012-2022)
- Speaker, Canadian Autonomous Vehicle Forum, "Recent Trends Regarding Technology Misappropriation Regulations," Seoul, Korea (November 28, 2019)
- Recent design law changes: key points highlighted (공저, World Trademark Review Daily, 2019)
- Patent Court Holds First Hearing in English (공저, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2017)
- New Patent Cancellation System Enacted (공저, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2017)
- Jurisdiction Over IP Infringement Cases Consolidated (공저, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2015)
- Speaker, International Association of Korean Lawyers Seoul Conference, "Korea and Global Litigation Strategies," Seoul, Korea (September 30, 2011)
- Speaker, American Bar Association's Understanding, Surviving and Prevailing in the US Litigation Environment and Masters in Trial Program, "Role of Korean Counsel in International Patent Litigation," Seoul, Korea (March 15, 2010)
- Managing Intellectual Property (October 2009), Co-Author: "Korea: Avoid the Double Patent Trap"
미국, University of Southern California (USC) Law School (J.D., 2000)
미국, University of California, Berkeley (B.A., Molecular and Cell Biology, 1996)
외국변호사, 캘리포니아주 (2000)
U.S. District Court, Central District
9th Circuit Court of Appeals
U.S. Patent and Trademark office
영어, 한국어
관련 소식
외국인투자 안보심의제도 강화 동향
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18개 분야 ‘Band 1’, 90명의 ‘Leading Individual’ 선정 - Chambers Asia-Pacific 2025
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